Bigger Than Me
Taken From Ephesians 6:12
I never imagined that I would open up a new photo series myself but based on what I have seen and been through in the past five months, I understand why God wants me to do it. This series is titled “More Than Meets The Eye”
I want to highlight another dimension of sin. I am well aware that sin is a choice at the end of the day, HOWEVER, there are some evil spiritual forces that cause us to sin and act out. This is what Ephesians 6:12 describes as evil spiritual powers and attacks. We are so quick to accuse our fellow human being of their “evil” and condemn their lifestyle of sin but forget that it is sometimes way bigger than what we physically see. People we should be praying for, we end up gossiping about. People who make mistakes, we throw away for good with no grace. Enough is enough.
Bigger Than What We See
This series may trigger you. It may make you uncomfortable. I get uncomfortable just thinking about it. But if a little discomfort will save souls, then so be it. We HAVE to talk about these things and face the truth. If not, things that we see now could affect (y)our children and grandchildren, if we don’t learn, repent, reject insanity, and refuse to remain ignorant.
Call Out Sin, But Also Expose The Enemy!
Careful! It’s The Enemy!
This concept will be based strictly on Ephesians 6:12, to expose what the enemy is doing and show people what is actually happening in the spiritual and how it manifests in the physical. We read this verse all the time but we have to know what it means. We are not wrestling against our parents, or ourselves, or our friends. Oftentimes, it’s against the enemy, his demons, and/or evil spirits. But the enemy is crafty and will have us blaming ourselves or other people. We are mad at the wrong people! Time to expose what the enemy is doing and direct our rage towards him. Once we realize this, we will pray way more than we talk. We will show grace way more than we condemn. We will rebuke the devil just as much as we rebuke people.
Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this that you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
Genesis 3:13 ESV